UniGroup Migration Study: Texas, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming

UniGroup Migration Study: Texas, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming

The UniGroup 43rd Annual National Movers Study is out. For 2019, Texas experienced slightly more people migrating to the state than leaving. 55% of interstate movers came into the state and 45% of interstate movers left the state.

The majority of inbound movers cited job opportunities as the primary reason for leaving Texas. Followed closely by the number of people who cited family as their reason to move. Younger and older demographics were the most likely movers.

Colorado is closer to net neutral movers with 53% of interstate movers coming in and 47% leaving. Once again, job opportunities were the most commonly cited reason for moving.

Wyoming also saw more inbound movers than outbound and retirement, jobs, and family were evenly split as reasons for moving.

Utah, on the other hand, is the only state that Arrow serves which experienced a net negative of interstate movers, although not by much. 51% of movers were outbound and 49% percent were inbound.